Signs That You’re a Mario Fan

(Most of these are from SMRPG because there is so much to use)




  1. Every one calls you Mario because you say "It’sa Me, Mario!" everywhere you go.
  2. You try to help marshmallows find their parents.
  3. You go in a forest and look for Bowyer
  4. You walk in an arcade and say "Man, I’m leaving, they don’t have Super Mario Bros.!"
  5. You can beat SMB 2(Jap, Lost Levels, US) in Less than 15 minutes.
  6. You get to level 20 on SMRPG in 20 minutes.
  7. You think that if you pick up a certain type of flower you will either gain flower points or the ability to shoot fireballs out of your finger.
  8. You buy a Color GameBoy just so you can play SMBDX all day.
  9. You think that the reason you didn't get SMRPG for Christmas is because Smithy destroyed the Star Road
  10. You have nothing but Red and Blue overall's in your closet
  11. You walk into a store expecting to see a Mushroom man behind the counter and a spinning mushroom above him
  12. You are afraid to go into a hardware store
  13. You want to be a plumber when you grow up
  14. You have more than 10 Mario games (I can vouch for that one -Kooky [21])
  15. If you devote a website to any of those games
  16. Every time someone mentions trouble you say: "Awww, Bowser captured the Princess again?!
  17. Your life seems very similar to Team Rocket from Pokemon
  18. You wonder where the manhole outside your house goes to
  19. You ask someone the above and they tell you it goes to the sewer and you automatically assume it goes to Kero Sewers and that Belome might be down there
  20. You eat too much pasta and order double mushrooms on your pizza - by
  21. if u can recite all the signs and what people say in all mario games - by
  22. You keep seeing & hearing the Koopa Kids everywhere you go - by