Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 2

One evening, Mario had a strange dream. He dreamt of a long, long stairway leading up to a door. As soon as the door opened, he was confronted with a world he had never seen before spreading out as far as his eyes could see. Suddenly, he heard a faint voice saying "Welcome to 'Subcon', the land of dreams. We have been cursed by Wart. Please defeat Wart and save us. Remember, Wart hates vegetables. Please help us!"
The next day, ont the way to a picnic, Mario talked to Luigi, Toad, and the Princess about the strange dream he had. After arriving at the picnic area, they found a small cave. When they opened the door in this cave, to their great suprise, the world that Mario saw in his dream spread out before them!
How to Play
Pull up vegetables, look out for the enemies, and defeat the bosses at the end of each level.
After you start the game, you can choose to play as Mario, Luigi, Toad, or the Princess. The red hearts on the left of the screen are your life gauge. When all of the hearts turn white, you loose a life. When only 1 heart remains, your character will become smaller.
If you want to go back to the start of the stage you are in, press the START button, then press L, R and SELECT buttons at the same time.(you will loose a life by doing this).
Character Abilities
Mario: He has an average jumping power that decreases a little when he is carrying an item. Mario is the second fastest.
Luigi: He jumps the highest and can jump faster than Mario. But when he has an item, his jumping ability decreases a lot. He is the third fastest.
Toad: Toad has the least jumping power. Holding an item does not affect his jumping. Toad is the fastest.
The Princess: She is third in jumping ability, but she can do something that no one else can do. If you hold the B Button while in the air, she can float for a while. When carrying an item, her jumping power decreases quite a bit. She is the slowest.
Coin: For every coin you find, you get a chance to play the slot machine at the end of the level. You can only find coins in sub-space.
Vegetable: These fraky vegetables have grown huge! Collect enough of them an a stop watch will appear.
Bombs: After you pick up a bomb, it will flash just before it explodes. Use the bombs to blow up rocks or other things that get in your way.
More to come soon...
Mario Bros. 2 was first a Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic. The original Super Mario Bros. 2 was what is now the Lost Levels in Super Mario All-Stars. The Japanese beleived that this game would be too hard for Americans to play, so they re-released Doki Doki Panic with a few minor changes and new characters.
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