UPDATES:December 15, 2004: After a 3 year vacation, I'm back in action, and I've got enough free time to work this site back up to net standards! Please be patient, I have quite a lot to do! FUTURE UPDATES SOON!
February 19, 2002: Today is the 3rd anniversary of this site. Normally, this would make me very proud, however, this may be the last update of the site. I just can't get into the mood of updating, but maybe I will. But I just want to say, I just played Super Mario Advance 2(Super Mario World) the other day, beat it in about 18 minutes(warp), and enjoyed every minute of it. It was great! I give it 10 out of 10. I think I will buy an Advance, because the games are some of the best out there. Anyway, I suggest playing, and even buying, Super Mario Advance 2. Get Super Mario Advance if you want to as well. They are also working on SMB 3 for Advance!!!
November 23, 2001: Er... hello! I, er... I'm gonna have to start updating this site! I still get emails with stuff and many people saying that my site brightened thier day... I am going to add a new section with compliments on the site, so send me mail to: KookyVonKoopa@go.com telling me why you like my site, the Koopalings, or the Mario Bros. videogames. Memories of when you played them and all are very welcome as well, and I plan to add my own. Anyway, I did add a new section to the bottom of the list today, Updates. This will now hold all of the older updates so that the main page won't be so cluttered. Ooooh! I just made another new section, Kooky's Champs - the Koopa Cup. Check it out! Be sure to enter!
June 10, 2001: Ok, so I added a fanfic, The Koopa Destined pt. 1, and I fixed the first quiz in Toad's House. Morton is planning to have a Pokemon Card Battle Tournament, and wanted me to announce that is online in a battle room and will be scheduled for June 30th, a Saturday. In the meantime, you can mail me at kookyvonkoopa@go.com until he gets his page and things up, if you want to be in the tournament. It is free, and the winner will get some cards, maybe a whole booster. We want to be able to give 3 to 5 boosters for the winner in the future, but for now, we're keeping it at a 10 card minimum, with no less than 1 rare, 3 uncommon and 6-7 Basics. More info will be added shortly.
May 28, 2001: Ack! It's been too long guys. I MUST update more often, but that shouldnt be a problem. Something yesterday impowered me to keep on with the site. Oh, http://www.koopalings.com
is now up! You can come here by going there now. Uh... I added a new section, but I don't know if you'll want to see it. It's Mortons, so proceed with caution: Morton Koopa's Castle. Well, I plan to do a bunch of new sections. Oh, wow! I just updated actual things! I added 2 new signs to "Signs you are a Mario fan", I added one Larry, 7th Koopaling to fanfics, I added 5! new images to the picture gallery. As to what happened yesterday, I went to my cousins house and they were playing SMB 3, I almost cried, but held it in, and I showed them every trick in the book. In not too long of a time, I had gotten to Bowser on World 8, I had just lost to him, but had 24 more lives, so I was about to go back to him when the old NES malfunctioned. Ah, well. They had never been to world 4 or more, so they were excited. I also found an older freind, SMB 1, and beat it in less than 5 minutes as usual(warping ya know). Well, talking about this is making me want to go plug up my old NES and pull out SMB3 right now, so see you latter today or tomorrow for a real update. ;)
March 29, 2001: Hi all! Well, Latisha wrote an interview, Ludwig Interviews Pikachu, that can be found in the interviews section. I already started working on the soon to come koopalings.com site already, but I'm nowhere near completion, so I'll just put up a few things and keep this same look so I'll have time to update. Heh, got a little crazy with my scanner last night, I'm scanning the ENTIRE Adventures of Super Mario Bros. comic. Every last page, then I'm going to burn a CD with the comic on it. So, I guess that one or 2 of my contests will be for one of these CD's! Well, I'm having to work in 30 minute windows here, so I'll be back later today for another BIGGER update.
March 28, 2001: Heh, sorry again, been busy, but its worth the wait! Very soon, I will have this site up on a new domain name. The site will still be available here, and will still be updated from here. Although its not up yet, the new site domain will be:
So, I have tons to update for the lapse of a month, and I'll be working on it all this week. Who knows, I may even redesign soon for the new domain. Oh, I got a scanner so I'll be doing all kinds of pics for the site, merchandise, drawings, manuals, whatever. Also... I'll be placing clips of the Adventures of SMB3 and SMW cartoons on the site! Cas' I got a cam for my comp too. I think I'll start having contests everyonce in a while for merchandise, games ect. I don't think I'll continue with votes, cas It's hard to keep up with them, however, if I get enough emails about it, it will stay up. Well, I've got TONS to do, so you should see something else updated latter today.
Febuary 10, 2001: Sorry guys, computer was un-useable for a week or so. Well, I have lots of things to update, however I won't be able to get them all done right now, so I did some of them today. I added one quote to quotes, 1 signs you are a mario fan, 3 Mario Merchandise pics, but the page for those isn't up right now, 2 links to links and I won an award! Thanks Latisha! There is now a Koopa Kids Club, also thanks to Latisha, now on Yahoo, Koopa Kids Paradise! It has about 30 members currently, myself included as vb_vidyogamer. Join up now!
Koopa Clash!

January 21, 2001: I did a little bit of stuff today. I added the first part of a fanfic that I'm writing to the Fan Fic section. I added one picture to the Picture Gallery. I also updated the Clash page today. Go there to see who the winners are and to vote for this weeks contenders.
January 15, 2001: Koopa Clash is here! Now, every week there will be a battle between different charactors like Ludwig vs. Morton, or Bowser vs. Mario, or Luigi vs. Pikachu. I will add a poll to the Clash Page for you to vote on who will be in the next clash. The top 2 contenders will be put against each other and a summary will be written on the winner! So go now to the Koopa Clash page and vote! I also wrote in my Journal. Planning to write an Interview or fanfic latter today.
January 14, 2001: OK, sorry for no updates for a week, got behind. To make up for it, I added 6 pics to the Picture Gallery, and fixed links for 2 other pics. I added 1 Fan Fiction! Our first! It's called Dragon High, so go read it! I'm still doing things but I don't know if I'll be able to get them up today. Maybe tomorrow. Oh, Whoever is #10,000 on my counter and can prove it,(hit printscreen key and paste image in paint or photoshop or whatever) will get 10 honorary votes and perhaps a real prize as soon as I figure out what to give.
January 7, 2001: Hey, I'm still here! Still updating too, especially thanks to Todd & Latisha. I add 3 pics and fixed one pic in the Picture Gallery. I added KOOKY Interviews YOSHI to interviews. I'm planning to add a Mario Merchandise section. I have 5 fanfics in the works from several people. I updated the Star Road. Yoshi is now leading as a Good Guy. I still need stuff from other people than my regular sources. You'll be getting a better site and points!
January 2, 2001: Ok, so when I'm writing this its still Jan 1, but I thought I'd get a head start on updates for tomorrow. Anyway, 3 more pics for Roy's Picture Gallery, so go check them out and the other pics, too. I'll definitly be updating on Jan 2, because I have all day. Man, it's snowing like crazy here in Pipeland, Lemmy sure would like it.
January 1, 2001: Wow! I've actually updated 2 days in a row! Thats a first since like 2 years ago. I'd love to update every day if it were possible. So far today I have added 3 more pictures to Roy's Picture Gallery. I plan to update personal Koopaling votes page and Leaders page on the Star Road today. I'm also going to see if I can add a new section or 2 or add more stuff to other sections during this week. Well, I'll let you know before the day is over. Oh, and before I forget, I need some new links so send yours in! I wrote a bit in my Journal. Added 8 signs to Signs You Are A Mario Fan. I added or repaired actually, the Quotes Section. I added a Fan Fic Section and I need some fics, I have none on the page yet, but at least it is up. Added 1 quote to Quotes. I plan to write an interview and it will be up within the next 3 days. Maybe even today. I drew a pic yesterday of me in front of my castle in Mario World, but I'll have to give it to someone to scan. Added 3 more pics to Roy's Picture Gallery, so thats a total of 6 so far today! Oh, I updated Star Road stuff. I added another new section! Toad's House - Quizes. You get major points for these! Well, Koopa New Year Festival is today, so I'll see about updating tomorrow.
December 31, 2000: New Year's Eve, and guess what my New Year's Resolution is? Maintaining this website! Yay! Well, it is my plan to update no less that once per week. I finally got an E-Mail address just for this site: KookyVonKoopa@go.com which replaces my old Koopa_King@go.com mailing address which they abruptly deleted without my consent because they switched servers. How rude. You can still mail me at: kookykoopa@usa.net - Well, I'll Koop GoNetwork latter, for now I plan to get some pics for Roy's Gallery! Send me stuff. I'll give you credit for whatever you send, and I'm taking votes again since I'll have time, so send in stuff. The slate is clean and whoever gets 20 votes gets to access my special secret page! Koopaling votes are credited to Lemmy Koopa at Lemmy's Land, so give him a visit because his page is really great! I'm going to fix some errors and dead links today. I also got a new message board becasue the old one is slow and I've lost my moderation password. Oh, and I added a new section! Mastering Mario - Where if you need help with a Mario game, you'll get that help. Here are other means of contacting me: AOL Instant Messanger Name: SuperKoopa
ICQ Number: 100853129
Added 3 great pictures from Latisha Banks to Roy's Picture Gallery I'd add some of mine, but I don't have a scanner & they're not that great anyway. Added another new section! Kooky's Journal - Koopa Life! Well, I'll see you all Jan 1, 2001 for more updates!